Our Spanish office was originally established to arrange permits and escort services for Van der Vlist loads moving through Spain. Over the last two decades this same Barcelona hub has evolved greatly and now offers complete multimodal logistics solutions in Spain, Portugal and even South America! During those 20 years we have developed close relations with many different companies and industries in the Iberian peninsula, including (but definitely not limited to) the railway, construction and energy industries. In addition to transport, we also offer a vast range of technical services, including installation and assembly on the job site for engines, autoclaves, flight simulators and many other different types of cargo. The power to care in Spain will be expanded. We are looking to increase our manpower in the near future. For further information about the services which Van der Vlist can offer, please call +31 184 606 600 or e-mail info@vandervlist.com. Van der Vlist – The Power to Care www.vandervlist.com